Tag Archives: glass production

The history of the glass industry in Jablonec and Neugablonz

A fascinating city is formed

The historical Czech town of Jablonec nad Nisou (German: Gablonz an der Neiße) was first mentioned in the 14th century. The glass industry in the town however had its origins a couple of centuries later. We can assume that the first glass professionals settled in the area in the 16th century. Above all, the existing rich resources that are necessary for the production of glass, were a major factor in the settlement.

Destruction and new beginnings

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Glass – an extraordinary material

Glass is a material with a long history. By about 5000 BCE, natural glass called obsidian, was used as a working material. Blades, wedges and scrapers were fashioned and used to make other objects for daily use.

Glass was fashioned into containers in Egypt from approx. 1450 BCE. The Egyptians were the ones who first discovered how to make glass.  From that point on, glass making developed in leaps and bounds. In the Roman Empire, villas for the upper-classes were outfitted with window glazing. This was made possible by the invention of the glass blowing pipe in approx. 200 BCE.

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